As of Nov 12 JennyCakes had to cut off Thanksgiving orders because we already have so many. On Weds 11/27 we will be open from 8am to 2pm and will have available then some extra pies, cakes and other Thanksgiving treats, as well as our usual items. We would suggest you come early though because we are likely to sell out quickly. Thanks!
JennyCakes schedule for week of Thanksgiving:
Mon 11/25 CLOSED
Tues 11/26 CLOSED (except for special order pick-ups) so we can
prepare Thanksgiving orders
Weds 11/27 OPEN 8am to 2pm
Thurs 11/28 CLOSED
Fri 11/29 CLOSED
Sat 11/30 OPEN 8am to 7pm for Small Business Saturday!
Welcome to another Thanksgiving at JennyCakes! Please order early! The deadline for orders is Thurs Nov 14, but if we reach capacity before then, we will have to close off orders earlier than that.
All orders must be picked up no later than 2pm on Weds Nov 27.
Our list of specific items available for Thanksgiving orders is are below. We hope you have a wonderful holiday!
Baked goods available for Thanksgiving orders:
pumpkin pie
pecan pie (with or without bourbon)
coconut cream pie
key lime pie
frosted pumpkin roll (with or without nuts)
any of our cakes
any of our smaller items, such as cookies and cupcakes, BUT ONLY IN AMOUNTS OF 12 or more OF A PARTICULAR FLAVOR/BAKED GOOD (or in batches of 24 if ordering mini cupcakes)
Several newer yummy items available in that “smaller items” category:
cheddar cheese crackers (great as a Thanksgiving appetizer)
spiced pumpkin muffins with mini chocolate chips (incredibly moist and tasty and perfect for a light Thanksgiving breakfast)
pumpkin bread with or without chocolate chips (we have had trouble this fall keeping up with the demand for this!)
For the smaller items, if you would like a wider variety, please consider stopping by the bakery on Weds Nov 27. We will be fully stocked with our usual items and you will be able to pick and choose. We would suggest you come early though because we are likely to sell out quickly. Thanks!
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